LA CANTERA is Pura Vida Elite's membership-based, Annual Development Program. La Cantera is a holistic model, encompassing Technical Training, Futbol IQ Training, Performance Training, Mental Performance Training, Nutrition & loads of Free Play! La Cantera 23/24 runs for 48 weeks, from May 1, 2023 - March 30, 2024.
La Cantera features four distinct seasonal training blocks, each designed to drive your player's individual development, in concert with their club soccer season. La Cantera offers two blocks of Semi-Private Technical Training, two blocks of 6-player Elite Group Training + greatly extended summer hours throughout La Cantera's new Endless Summer Camp Block. La Cantera delivers all of Pura Vida's unique ingredients (International futbol flavor; unwavering encouragement, attention to detail; elite, multi-club peer training groups; multi-disciplinary, professional expertise & flexible scheduling) in the most cost-effective development model possible!
Spring Flex Training Block (May 1 - June 10):
To compliment increased training load & scheduling demands of peak season, La Cantera introduces a 6-week, technique-intensive, Flex Training Block! Online booking for your 2x weekly (3:1) semi-private, on-field, technical sessions + performance sessions. Choose from any hour of operation at Casa PV. No need to hold down the same day or time slot each week. Flex Training Blocks offer the greatest possible scheduling flexibility + on-field emphasis on technical skills & attention to detail. Periodized Performance curriculum focus on maintenance & recovery, injury prevention & activation. This is block is about being at peak performance in peak season!
Endless Summer Camp Block (June 12 - Sept 2):
La Cantera's 12 week summer training block delivers the BEST OF ALL WORLDS: Elite 6-player peer group training + unstructured free play, 4-hour drop offs, twice weekly...no club conflicts...all summer long! PV's casa es su casa! Double your PV Pleasure this summer: 4 hours of high-level training + 4 hours of run-o-the-casa free play...every week! Pana, Teqball, Mejenga, soccer tennis, FIFA, Freestyle! This is what summers are made of - this is Pura Vida! Learn the skills & use the skills, with all the passionate support for creative expression that comes from a Pura Vida staff loaded with mentors who have played futbol at the highest level and want to share the love! Group training sessions Monday - Saturday, from 10am-12pm and 1pm-3pm + optional hour-long free play blocks before & after. Every training session includes 60 minutes on-field, Technical Skill or Soccer IQ + 60 minutes Performance.
Fall Flex Training Block (Sept 4 - Oct 28):
Ditto the Spring Flex Sentiment! For our high school athletes + back-to-school parents, this 8 week block is for you!!
Winter Off-Season Training Block (Oct 30 - March 30):
The core of your La Cantera annual training calendar. Elite 6-player peer group training: 22 weeks. 2x weekly sessions. 2x hrs per session. Weekly makeups. Every training session includes 60 minutes of on-field, Technical Skill or Soccer IQ + 60 minutes Performance. This is where the big gains are made! Consistency is the single greatest driver of player development. La Cantera is a model designed to reward player consistency and produce a steep & steady growth curve, while always keeping it fun, sharing a passion for the game & enjoying the flavor of your futbol family at Casa Pura Vida! Start your Spring season fit & on fire!
PV's futbol-specific Performance Training is fully integrated with our Technical Training. Performance Training is at the core of La Cantera's curriculum. Performance builds a foundation of athleticism (power, strength, speed & mobility) & optimizes movement mechanics to accelerate the acquisition of technical skills, while mitigating athlete injury.​​
La Cantera's 6-player training group format is an essential tool for our athletes to grow in their confidence to take risks and learn how to apply their technical skills in game situations. Pure technique is only one ingredient in the La Cantera diet. Applying that technique with consistency, while under pressure, at game speed, in the company of peers, achieving higher levels of decision making, elevating on-field awareness & boosting Futbol IQ...while enjoying the process...that is La Cantera's highest calling. VAMOS!
You've now heard all about it. We hope you love it. Now, let's do it! La Cantera Registration is a two step process:
Step 1: Please place a deposit of $400 (single month's training fee) to secure your membership: Your deposit will be applied in full in payment of your final month's training fee (April 24'). Please note the only penalty for early membership withdrawal will be the forfeiture of this deposit.
Step 2: To activate your membership, please pay the "Cantera Monthly Fee" below: By pre-paying your initial month's training fee you will also initiate a recurring monthly payment (30 day cycle). No more card entry required! Please note your Membership is not active until you have completed Step 2.